His Beautiful Beloved

by Evangelynn

Song of Solomon 7:10

“I belong to my Lover and His desire is for me.”

Many of those who know me know that my favorite book in the Bible is Song of Solomon. A lot of people don’t understand why I’m so in love with this book; and to be honest, if you had asked me to turn to Song of Solomon a few years ago, I wouldn’t even have known where to look. But around 2 years ago, God introduced me to this incredible book. In just a matter of weeks, verses from Song of Solomon kept popping up everywhere I looked. It came up in conversations, songs, social media, and everywhere else you can imagine. And one day, within those few weeks, a stranger prayed for me and as she was praying for me, she gave me one verse. The one verse she gave to me was Song of Solomon 4:7. At that moment, everything began to click and I finally got the message. All this was not just one big coincidence. It was God. So I went home that day and opened up my Bible to Song of Solomon for the very first time.

Song of Solomon 4:7
“All beautiful you are, my darling; there is no flaw in you”

I still remember the night I first read Song of Solomon because as I read it, God began to open my eyes up to His calling in my life. And part of that calling was to be His pure, undefiled bride. I remember crying in my bed that night because I was simply overwhelmed by everything that God was speaking to me about. That night, for the first time ever, I felt God call me beautiful. He calls me beautiful not because of how I look or what I have done, but because I am His. As I read and reread this book, God slowly began to help me understand the story between the lover and his beloved, and through that, I have come to realize that God is calling us all to be His bride – His beloved – and just simply ‘His’. After reading Song of Solomon, my perspective of my relationship with God changed from ‘God and human’ to ‘Lover and beloved’. I have come to see God as not just my God, but as my Lover. And I have come to see myself as not just “another human being”, but as His beloved. This new perspective has changed the way I think, the way I worship, and the way I seek God. I pursue Him now knowing that He first pursued me. I pursue Him knowing that He longs for and desires for my intimacy and not only that, but He relentlessly chases after it. He longs for us to talk to Him, walk with Him, and simply love on Him. Through His eyes, we are beautiful and unimaginably precious. He has claimed ownership over us and has called us “His”.
I have a ring that I wear on my finger every day and it says “I am my Lover’s and He is mine. Song of Solomon 6:3” To me, this ring I wear represents my marriage, love, and faithfulness to Jesus Christ, my Lover. It signifies that I am forever His and He will be forever mine. It is a constant reminder that God calls me His – His beautiful beloved.

I encourage you to read Song of Solomon. I know that not everyone may fully understand it, because I myself still do not even fully understand it yet. But this book has changed me forever and I want it to do the same for you. God is calling us to be His brides – HIS brides. He calls us His beautiful beloved. He calls YOU His beautiful beloved. This simple fact has changed me forever. I will never forget it. So don’t YOU forget it.


I posted this picture on my Instagram account 82 weeks ago. Never would I have imagined, 82 weeks later, it would still have the same amount of impact on me as it did the very day I first read it. Never would I have imagined, 2 years later, it would become the verse that would appear on my very own blog!