All We Need is Need

by Evangelynn

What if God doesn’t really care about all the good deeds we do and about all the Sundays that we never missed at church? What if God wants more from us than just nice behavior and kind acts? What if what our world really needs is not a better economy system, less taxes, world peace, or a solution for global warming, but something better than that? Perhaps what our world really needs is a need for God. Maybe, just maybe, all God needs from us is need…

The human race has taught themselves everything they need to survive and more. We are trained to care for and depend on ourselves for survival from the moment we are born. From learning to hold the milk bottle for ourselves to learning to tie our own shoelaces to cooking our own breakfast to getting our first job – all these are steps to dependency and usually by the time we are in our late teens, we are fully capable of living on our own. Now I believe that God created us to and expects us to be able to care for ourselves, but many times, we take that a step further and, consciously or unconsciously, act as if we can survive without God in our everyday lives. For example, how many times have we gone a day without talking to or even thinking about God, and not even think twice about it? How many times have we gotten so busy with life and our problems that we didn’t even remember to include God in the whole situation? How many times have we gone ahead and made decisions in our life without even bringing it before God? The answer is: many times – too many times. Sure we survived. I mean we’re still in-tact, walking, and breathing. But are we really living? For what is living when Christ isn’t in it? So why scrape by with mere survival when you can live – truly live?

There are also many of us who get so involved in church, ministries, bible studies, and “good deeds” that we forget the reason for it all. We wrap our lives around doing “good things for God” instead wrapping it around God Himself. We think that by just doing all these good things, that God is fully pleased with us, but we forget that without Christ in the center, we are really just doing everything in vain. Ever thought that maybe what God wants from us first is our hearts, and not just our hands? Maybe what God wants from us is not just good deeds, but a real need – a realization of our need for need for Him.

When will we uncover the covers and realize our need for need for the One who is calling for our need?  Forget mere survival. Forget fancy ministries and sheer works. All we really need is need for the One who is calling for our need. All God wants from us is to admit our need for Him, because we DO need Him. And until we admit it, He will have no influence or authority in our lives. He wants to transform us and nurture us, but how can He when we don’t let Him? We will be like a baby bird who leaves the nest, thinking that he has learned everything he needs to learn to survive in the outside world. Yet the baby bird, who can barely fly, has no idea how to look for food and is unaware of the dangers that lie before him. He is still in need of his mother, but doesn’t want to admit it. Together, ignorance and pride bring the baby bird to its death. We will never and can never lose our need for God. Instead, often times we just numb it; and the root of our numbed need is pride. Pride creeps in and changes our mentality from “I am weak and need a Savior” to “I am independent and can survive on my own”. Our life then shifts from depending on God to depending on ourselves. We then become so focused on ourselves – making good grades to get a good job to make lots of money to buy a nice house to provide for our family to retire in paradise – that we lose focus of God. We need to get to the root of our numbed need and come before God in humility, confessing that we are in need of a Savior, admitting that we are not enough for ourselves, admitting that we cannot do it on our own, and admitting that our own works and efforts are not enough to get us through life. It’s time we declare our dependency and demolish our independency. Not until we demolish our independency and declare our dependency on God will we be able to fully live a life of complete surrender that is pleasing to God. We need to fall out of independency and fall IN dependency. We need to become so dependent on God that a day without Him is like a day without air. For when a life is dependent on God, that life will become unshakable because God is unshakable. So when the world comes tumbling down, the life that was grounded in the Unshakable will not be shaken.

So perhaps all God is asking from us is for our need. Maybe God is asking for our need before He’s asking for our deeds. Maybe all we really need is not more money, a better career, better grades, or even the latest phone model; but maybe what we really need is just a realization of our need for a Savior – need for His love – and need for His grace. Maybe, just maybe, all we need is need for the One who is calling for our need. And I believe that once we realize our need for need and our need for dependency, everything else will follow. It starts somewhere. It starts with our signature on the ‘Declaration of Dependency’. It starts with need. Need will open up our eyes to our incapability and our insignificance in comparison to God’s capability and grandness. It will draw us to fall into the arms of the Savior and depend on Him for every breath we take. It will cause us to fall so in love with Him and it will cause us to live a life that is fully surrendered to His will. It will then cause us to do things that we never thought we would do, which will then lead us to become strong leaders and world changers. So really, perhaps all we really need is need.

So go ahead. Declare dependency. Admit your need for need. For our need IS God. Forget mere survival and good deeds. All we need is need. We just need to admit it. And once we get past ourselves and come to the realization of our utter incompetency, we will truly understand that God truly is all we’ll ever need, and if He’s all we’ll ever have, we’ll have all we’ll ever need.
